Best of the best

Best of the best

The Only One, Ching Ching Chan, Hong Kong

In each salon with FIAP Patronage, the author who has achieved the highest number of acceptances, is awarded with the special FIAP Light Blue Pin and considered as FIAP Best Author of the salon.

The author who has been awarded with the highest number of FIAP Light Blue Pins in a year, is designated as Best of the Best for that year.

List of authors

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Author Country Promotion year Photos
Diana Chan Hong Kong 2022
​Ching Ching Chan Hong Kong 2021
​Ching Ching Chan Hong Kong 2020
Abdullah Al-Mushaifri Oman 2019
Abdullah Al-Mushaifri Oman 2018
Roger Jourdain France 2017
Roger Jourdain France 2016
Mamdooh Alsaleh Bahrain 2015
Daniel Lybaert Netherlands 2014
Luis Alberto Franke Argentina 2013
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