FIAP Biennials

22nd FIAP Nature Biennial, Germany

Host Country: Germany
Year: 2024
Elefante dal basso, Gianni Maitan, Italy

22nd FIAP Nature Biennial 2024, Germany

Winners of the 22nd FIAP Nature Biennial, Germany
Winner Country Digital Section: Canada
Winner Country Print Section: Italy
Winner of the “The Odette Bretscher Trophy”

Winner of the trophy: France
Romain Nero, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP (Luxembourg – FIAP BD); Jef Lemmens, ESFIAP, EFIAP/d3 (Belgium); Howard Tate, ARPS, AFIAP, HonPAGB (England)
All results - Individual - Digital Section - Individual Awards
Prize Author Country Title
FIAP Gold Medal Francis King Canada Zzzzz
FIAP Silver Medal Fernand Albert France Gazelle aux abois
FIAP Silver Medal Julia Wainwright United Kingdom Hoopoe Feeding Young
FIAP Bronze Medal Nilles Laurent Luxembourg Dont mess with me
FIAP Bronze Medal Hannes Rossouw South Africa Pale Chanting Goshawk with Kill
FIAP Bronze Medal Irma Szabo Hungary The meeting
DVF GOLD MEDAL Nicolas Douchet France La protection du vieux figuier
DVF SILVER MEDAL Aleksandar Tomulic Croatia Jellyfish
DVF BRONZE MEDAL Anton Agarkov Russian Federation Wrath of the land
DVF HM Lajos Nagy Germany White egrets fishing
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