FIAP Biennials

22nd FIAP Nature Biennial, Germany

Host Country: Germany
Year: 2024
Elefante dal basso, Gianni Maitan, Italy

22nd FIAP Nature Biennial 2024, Germany

Winners of the 22nd FIAP Nature Biennial, Germany
Winner Country Digital Section: Canada
Winner Country Print Section: Italy
Winner of the “The Odette Bretscher Trophy”

Winner of the trophy: France
Romain Nero, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP (Luxembourg – FIAP BD); Jef Lemmens, ESFIAP, EFIAP/d3 (Belgium); Howard Tate, ARPS, AFIAP, HonPAGB (England)
All results - Countries - Prints Section - Countries Awards
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Italy 10 10 116 49 165
FIAP Gold France 10 10 117 45 162
FIAP Silver Ireland 10 10 119 41 160
FIAP Bronze Luxembourg 10 10 114 46 160
FIAP Honourable mention Argentina 10 10 105 51 156
FIAP Honourable mention United Kingdom 10 10 104 49 153
FIAP Honourable mention India 10 10 101 47 148
FIAP Honourable mention Germany 10 10 100 47 147
FIAP Honourable mention Russian Federation 10 10 97 48 145
FIAP Honourable mention Norway 10 10 99 38 137
/ South Africa 10 10 92 45 137
/ Hong Kong 10 10 94 43 137
/ Cyprus 10 10 88 44 132
/ Denmark 10 10 84 38 122
/ Greece 10 10 84 38 122
/ Australia 10 10 75 46 121
/ Spain 10 10 67 45 112
/ Chile 10 10 62 49 111
/ Croatia 10 10 73 36 109
/ Sweden 10 10 65 41 106
/ Poland 10 10 79 27 106
/ Hungary 10 10 67 37 104
/ San Marino 10 10 59 33 92
/ Brazil 10 10 66 19 85
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