FIAP Biennials

30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece

Host Country: Greece
Year: 2023
Surf a Teahupoo, Bernard Bracq, France

30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece

Winners of the 30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece
Winner Country Print Section: France
Winner Country Digital Section: Russian Federation
Herbert Gmeiner, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Austria); Alfredo Sotelo, ESFIAP (Spain); Nino Mghebrishvili, EFIAP (Georgia)
All results - Individual - Digital Section - Individual Awards
Prize Author Country Title
FIAP Gold Medal Elina Garipova Russian Federation Jackal
FIAP Silver Medal Bernard Bracq France Surf à Teahupoo
FIAP Silver Medal Tom Dee Wales Cuddles in the Coal Bunker
FIAP Bronze Medal Leon Pelser South Africa Old Man Reading
FIAP Bronze Medal Louis Van Calsteren Belgium Lac plaisible
FIAP Bronze Medal Otto Jirka Czech Republic Moravian geometry 2
HPS Gold Medal for the Best Landscape Jorge Dal Bianco Argentina Cordillera salvaje
HPS Gold Medal for the Best Photojournalism Dilavar Najafov Azerbaijan The leap
HPS Gold Medal for the Best Portrait Ross McKelvey Ireland Eastern Promise
HPS Gold Medal for the Best Travel Image Sara Gabriels Belgium Clouds above Manarola
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