FIAP Biennials

30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece

Host Country: Greece
Year: 2023
Surf a Teahupoo, Bernard Bracq, France

30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece

Winners of the 30th FIAP Colour Biennial 2023, Greece
Winner Country Print Section: France
Winner Country Digital Section: Russian Federation
Herbert Gmeiner, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Austria); Alfredo Sotelo, ESFIAP (Spain); Nino Mghebrishvili, EFIAP (Georgia)
All results - Countries - Print Section - Countries Awards
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup France 10 10 125 59 184
FIAP Gold Italy 10 10 113 56 169
FIAP Silver United Kingdom 10 10 114 53 167
FIAP Bronze Spain 10 10 110 53 163
FIAP Honourable mention Ireland 10 10 108 53 161
FIAP Honourable mention Russian Federation 10 10 109 51 160
FIAP Honourable mention Germany 10 10 107 52 159
FIAP Honourable mention Greece 10 10 102 57 159
FIAP Honourable mention South Africa 10 10 110 42 152
FIAP Honourable mention Norway 10 10 96 53 149
/ Wales 10 10 98 45 143
/ Czech Republic 10 10 102 40 142
/ Chile 10 10 96 45 141
/ Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 10 109 32 141
/ Argentina 10 10 104 36 140
/ Sweden 10 10 93 45 138
/ Azerbaijan 10 10 96 39 135
/ Denmark 10 10 96 31 127
/ Colombia 10 10 90 36 126
/ Croatia 10 10 95 30 125
/ San Marino 10 10 86 37 123
/ Israel 10 10 93 29 122
/ Hong Kong 10 10 86 36 122
/ Andorra 10 10 87 32 119
/ Finland 10 10 88 23 111
/ Cyprus 10 10 77 30 107
/ Japan 10 10 74 19 93
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