FIAP Biennials

41st FIAP Youth Biennial, Norway 2023

Host Country: Norway
Year: 2023
On the top, Tim Birmann, Germany

41st FIAP Youth Biennial, Norway 2023

Winners of the 41st FIAP Youth Biennial, Norway 2023
Winner Country Category I, up to 16 years Section: Germany
Winner Country Category II, up to 21 years Section: Germany
Ioannis Lykouris, EFIAP/g, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Greece); Leif Alveen, ESFIAP/p (Denmark); Anna Almen, AFIAP (Sweden)
All results - Countries - Category I, 16 years Country
Prize Country Works Authors Points Coherence points Total points
World Cup Germany 20 13 / / 381
FIAP Gold Russian Federation 20 20 / / 375
FIAP Silver South Africa 20 14 / / 371
FIAP Bronze Norway 20 11 / / 362
FIAP Honourable mention Slovakia 20 15 / / 362
FIAP Honourable mention Chile 20 14 / / 360
FIAP Honourable mention Oman 20 12 / / 353
FIAP Honourable mention France 20 16 / / 343
FIAP Honourable mention Bulgaria 20 15 / / 343
FIAP Honourable mention Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 17 / / 324
/ United Arab Emirates 18 9 / / 311
/ Cyprus 20 15 / / 309
/ Finland 16 10 / / 244
/ Spain 4 2 / / 77
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