Dear friends,
On the second exhibition in our new FIAP Exhibition Center ''Galerija ARTFOTO'' , we presented photographs of the author Freddy Van Gilbergen, vicepresident of FIAP and the holder of other highest titles.
The exhibition was opened on 27th of December, 2019, at 19h, in the presence of other lovers of photography. The name of the exhibition is ''People of India''. Author presented total of 45 photographs, 20 photos from his MFIAP collection and 25 photos from section ''People of India''.
President of FIAP Exhibition Center ''Galerija ARTFOTO'', Slobodan Krstic, EFIAP/d1, EsFIAP, opened this exhibition. After the grand opening we prepared coctail dinner party and discussed about the exhibition and photography in general, until 23h.
The exhibition was very well covered in media. It was filmed by two national televisions (BN TV and RTRS), and one local television (Independent Television Arena), as well as by some printed media, newspapers and portals.
We made printed catalog, A4, 16 pages, with photos of the author.
Some additional files are in the attachment.
I wish you a pleasant weekend and happy holidays!