MFIAP Authors


Beginning of the Story, Nasser Haji Malek, United Arab Emirates

Maitre de la Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique

List of authors

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Author Code UNU/UN Promotion year Title Photos
Carlo Diana 56 2010 Canaval de Venise
Serge Dissoubray 250 2010 Nival
David Tay Poey Cher 702 2010 Growing Old
Dieter Walter 276 2010 Une vieille ville
Colin Peter Harrison 826 2010 Roadside america
Horst Huber 40 2010 Kind - Mutter - Vater
M.N Jayakumar 356 2010 Spectacular Indian Birds
Jacky Martin 250 2010 US Classic Cars
Vladimir Proshin 643 2010 Woman portrait
John Hooton 372 2010 Gathering light
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