MFIAP Authors


Beginning of the Story, Nasser Haji Malek, United Arab Emirates

Maitre de la Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique

List of authors

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Author Code UNU/UN Promotion year Title Photos
Jacqueline Hammer 36 2021 ​In Control of Liquids
Sami Olavi Lommi 246 2021 ​Anatomy of Boxing
Mike Sharples 826 2021 ​Face To Face
Sharon Prenton Jones 826 2021 ​Welsh Mythology
Mieke Boynton 36 2021 Abstract Earth
Matjaž Čater 705 2020 BETWEEN TWO WORLDS
Nasser Haji Malek 784 2020 Beginning of the Story
Alexander Kharvat 804 2020 Renaissance images
Cristina Garzone 380 2020 COPTIC MYSTICISM
Ann Joyce Bastion 554 2019 FLORA BOTANICALS
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