MFIAP Authors


Beginning of the Story, Nasser Haji Malek, United Arab Emirates

Maitre de la Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique

List of authors

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Author Code UNU/UN Promotion year Title Photos
Milsom Hugh Brian 826 1993 Theme on trees
D'Hanis Kamiel 56 1993 Primavera, Monti Sibillini, Umbria
Gennard Peter Rex 826 1993 Eye to eyes
Ochoa Martinez Jose Julian 724 1992 Retratos
Butyrin Vitaly 440 1992 Terra incognita
Gary Weber 36 1992 Hunter Valley Birds
Lanitis George 196 1991 Moving with T. S. Eliot
Menichetti Oreste 380 1991 Visitors from the series Elaborazioni
Van Deun Jos 56 1991 Wandeling langs oude graven
Westgate Colin Arthur 826 1991 An alternative vision
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