MFIAP Authors


Beginning of the Story, Nasser Haji Malek, United Arab Emirates

Maitre de la Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique

List of authors

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Author Code UNU/UN Promotion year Title Photos
Digard Monique 250 2013 Il Ă©tait une fois le Gujarat ...
Garik Avanesian 203 2012 The way to the Saints
Mikhail Bondar 804 2012 Cosmos Beside
Boris Bozic 40 2012 Les MĂ©decins
Branislav Brkić 688 2012 Shepherd Life in Serbia
Sergey Buslenko 804 2012 Underwater fancies
Hermann Viktor Carter 705 2012 Mr. Stanko's last days
Margery Janet Maskell 826 2012 East African Wildlife
Daniel Vautier 250 2012 Regards du Mali
Andreas Ender 40 2011 paperbag [reBORN]
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