FIAP World Cups

13th FIAP World Cup for club 2018

Host Country: Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Year: 2018
A Different Point of View To a Stairway , Andre Melo-Andrade, Brazil

13th FIAP World Cup 2018

Winner of the 13th FIAP World Cup for club 2018 world cup
Winner of the World Cup: Photoclub BGART, Bulgaria
Winner of the Maurice Dorikens Trophy

Winner of the trophy: WIGAN 10 Photo Club, United Kingdom
Vasja DOBERLET - MFIAP, EFIAP/p, ESFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer Slovenia; Arne BERGO - EFIAP/g, ESFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer Norway; Anton SAVOV - ESFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer Bulgaria
All results - Individual - FIAP World cup winner's
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