FIAP World Cups

14th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2019

Host Country: Bulgaria
Year: 2019
Dialogue 1, Hsin-Hsin Liu, Taiwan

14th FIAP World Cup for 2019

Winner of the 14th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2019 world cup
Winner of the World Cup: The Photographic Society of Taipei
Winner of the Maurice Dorikens Trophy

Winner of the trophy: Rolls Royce Derby Photographic Society - Great Britain
Joanne STOLTE - EFIAP, ESFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer USA Garik AVANESIAN - EFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer Czech Republic Harjanto SUMAWAN - EFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer Indonesia
All results - Individual - FIAP World cup winner's
Prize Author name Club name Code UNU/UN Title
FIAP Gold Medal (individual) David Keep Rolls Royce (derby) Photographic Society 826 Diving Gannets, Shetland
FIAP Silver Medal (individual) Marcelo Suarez Fotoclub Cordoba 32 Louvre
FIAP Silver Medal (individual) Ya-ting Yang The Photographic Society of Taipei / Under the muzzle
FIAP Bronze Medal (individual) Ashok Kumar Das Photography Club of Assam 356 Rhino mating
FIAP Bronze Medal (individual) Ross McKelvey Catchlight Camera Club, Belfast 826 Pancake Tutu
FIAP Bronze Medal (individual) Narendu Ghosh Phoenix Photographic Society 50 Tune without music
Honourable Mention 1 (individual) Jinyan yang 18°Gray Image 156 Desert flower
Honourable Mention 2 (individual) Vijay rawale Full Frame Photo Club 356 Family Dustbath
Honourable Mention 3 (individual) Feng-lin chen The Photographic Society of Taipei / Honey Buzzard 02
Honourable Mention 4 (individual) Xinxin chen 18°Gray Image 156 The Nenets campsite5
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