FIAP Biennials

19th FIAP Nature Biennial 2018, Oman

Host Country: Oman
Year: 2018
In acton, Ismail Alfarsi, Oman

Art and Nature The fundamentals of Nature photography. The beauty of natural landscapes, fauna and flora in their most aesthetic aspects are captured by photographers in endless opportunities. The FIAP Nature Biennial is one of the best examples of this. The images published here speak for themselves.

We want to thank the Photographic Society of Oman for the commitment to organize this Biennial, the jury in its difficult task of evaluating the images and all the federations that have sent their works. This edition of the Nature Biennial has had the largest participation in more than 20 years. 35 countries have taken part in this event. We especially want to mention the winners of the World Cups: Italy in the paper section with a formidable collection of birds and the Russian Federation in the digital section with an incredible collection of landscapes. The Russian Federation has been awarded the 2008 Great Prize of Nature "Trophy Odette Bretscher" that awards the best performance in both sections. Congratulations to all of them!

Winners of the 19th FIAP Nature Biennial 2018, Oman
Winner of the Country Projected: Russia Federation, Landscapes of the World
Winner of the Country Print: Italy, Birds against Birds
Winner of the “The Odette Bretscher Trophy”

Winner of the trophy: Russia Federation
Romain Nero, HonEFIAP, EFIAPg, (Luxembourg); Mohammed Al Kandri (Kuwait); Abdullah Al Majid (Bahrain)

Ceremony photos

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