FIAP Biennials

33rd FIAP Black and White Biennial 2016, Korea

Host Country: Korea, Republic of
Year: 2016
Wet Jumper, Bob Given, United Kingdom

In collaboration with FIAP, PASK invited all FIAP member countries to participate in this first FIAP biennial organized by PASK, since PASK became operational member of FIAP. This event coincides with the 55th anniversary of PASK and their 33,000 members. This time the 33rd B&W FIAP Biennial made a stunning progress compared to the last B&W Biennial, as the number of participating countries rose with 26% to 48 collections. This page shows a selection of the many excellent collections entered from 48 countries, as well as all prize winning photos. FIAP congratulates the winners of the national competition, as well as the winners of all the individual prizes. FIAP appreciates that, with their contribution, so many countries made this an important international photographic event. We hope that our FIAP Biennials in the future also can benefit from this increased attention among our many members.

Winners of the 33rd FIAP Black and White Biennial 2016, Korea
Winner FIAP World Cup Print Section: United Kingdom
Winner FIAP Gold Medal Print Section: Abduliah Mohammad Othman, Yemen
David P C Tay, MFIAP, HonEFIAP (Singapore); Keiko Sato, AFIAP, EsFIAP (Japan); Il-Chang Kim (Korea)
All results - Individual - Individual awards
Prize Author Country Title
FIAP Gold Medal Abduliah Mohammad Othman Yemen Msugahuy Tradition
FIAP Silver Medal Soo-Bae Park Korea, Republic of Kissing
FIAP Silver Medal Morgan O'Neill Ireland Once Upon a Time
FIAP Bronze Medal Tran Tuy Viet Nam Quality Checking
FIAP Bronze Medal Stephan Langerwisch Germany Optimist
FIAP Bronze Medal Tillman Boettcher Germany Grooving
Special Mention Nial Whelehan Ireland Hand Laid Bare
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